
FLUency in Action. A partnership between Kinsa & Lysol ®

FLUency is a program sponsored by Lysol® to help stop the spread of illness in schools using real-time community health data. Student sick days take a toll on families, cost school districts millions of dollars in funding, and negatively affect student achievement.

The program offers free, connected Kinsa smart thermometers to all families and school staff, which they use to understand their children's health and the impact on the entire school community.

Parent looking at thermometer while holding hand to forehead of unhappy child. The Lysol and Kinsa logos overlay the image.

How does FLUency Help Me?

Parent leaning round to hug their smiling child. Another child is drawing in the background.



Know what illnesses are going around your child's classroom so you can detect it quickly or avoid it completely, get guidance on next steps if fever or symptoms are cause for concern, and receive an award-winning, FDA-cleared smart thermometer for free.

Nurse smiling and holding a stethoscope to the chest of small child

School Nurses


Stay more informed about illnesses going around your school, reduce clinic load as fewer parents send sick children to school, and easily communicate with parents to encourage preventative practices to keep students healthier.

Teacher sat at a table between two students smiling and pointing at a computer screen.



Help reduce absences so you won't spend flu seasons repeating lessons, know when illness numbers are high and your classroom needs disinfecting, and arm parents with thermometers so they know when to keep sick children home.

District Administrators


Hit district attendance goals by helping to reduce illness-related absences, help increase student achievement by keeping teachers and students in class, and show your district is committed to student health by offering parents and staff a free smart thermometer.

Person in a park smiling at the camera

Program Impact

500K Families Supported

Because of Lysol's sponsorship, FLUency has reached 500,000 families.

90% School Nurses Agree

FLUency kept them more informed of illnesses going around their school.

1000 School Partnerships

More than 1,000 schools have received smart thermometers.

75% Parents Agree

FLUency made their lives easier during cold and flu season.

Digital thermometer next to a smartphone showing the FLUency interface. Interface shows timeline of temperature readings. For reading of 102.1 Fever, a button says "What to do next". The timeline includes a dose of ibuprofen.

About Kinsa


Kinsa is on a mission to stop the spread of infectious illnesses. The Kinsa smart thermometer and app help in your moment of need, offering personalized guidance, services and real-time health data about illnesses circulating nearby so you can get better faster.



Schools, health organizations, pharmacies, and big brands use Kinsa - the earliest and most accurate illness tracking system in the world - to detect outbreaks and respond accordingly without ever gaining access to your information.